The name of the Association shall be "The Tellico Village Men's Golf Association". It is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the State of Tennessee.
The object of the Association is to encourage the men of Tellico Village to play golf. Tournaments and regular play will be conducted under USGA rules.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. The membership of this association shall be limited to:
(a) Tellico Village Property Owners registered in the Handicap Rating System.
(b) The PGA Professional Staff and the Course Superintendent shall each be honorary non- dues paying members.
Section 2. To be in good standing, all regular members shall be assessed annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors. Only members in good standing may participate in MGA events.
Section 3. In order to be eligible to play in the "major" MGA tournaments, members are required to have at least five (5) "current" scores recorded in the Tellico Village GHIN / handicap computer. "Major" tournaments are those listed on the MGA website. "Current" scores are for rounds played within the last six (6) months of the active period.
ARTICLE IV Management
The management of this association shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) members in good standing. Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for transaction of association business.
ARTICLE V Directors Term of Office
Section 1. The term of office for Directors shall be three (3) years, commencing at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting. In order to maintain continuity of Director experience, these terms shall be staggered so that no more than three (3) of the seven (7) members would be replaced in any one year. Members of the Board of Directors may be re-elected.
Section 2. If for any reason a vacancy occurs, the remaining Directors shall elect an MGA member in good standing, to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. The member shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee.
ARTICLE VI Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Directors to attend all regular and special meetings of the Board. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings, unless failure is the results of illness or other valid or reasonable cause, shall create a vacancy on the Board. The said vacancy to be filled per terms of Article V, Section 2.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall conduct, manage and control the affairs and business of the association. The Board will institute such rules and regulations, consistent with these By-Laws, it deems necessary and proper.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall record minutes of its meetings, keep complete records and financial statements, and prepare and present a formal Annual Report to the members at the Annual Meeting.
The officers, who shall be elected from members of the Board, shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. The office of President shall be restricted to two (2) consecutive terms. All newly elected officers shall begin their terms of office at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VIII Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall:
(a) Preside at all meetings of the members and Directors. He shall have the deciding vote when necessary.
(b) Call a meeting of the Directors whenever he deems it necessary.
(c) Subject to the advice of the Directors, direct the affairs of the association.
(d) Appoint Chairman for all committees and assign committee responsibility.
(e) Promote harmony within the membership of the association and other groups and organizations.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall:
(a) Act in place of the President when the President is unable to perform the duties of the office or is absent.
(b) In the event the Vice-President is unable to act, the Board shall appoint another member of the Board in who shall be vested, for the time necessary, all the duties and functions of the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
(a) Keep a record of all meetings of the Board.
(b) Keep a record of all Annual and Special Meetings of the members.
(c) Serve all notices required by the BY-Laws.
(d) Assist Nominating Committee in the election of members to the Board, See Article XII, Section 4.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Receive and deposit association funds in depository’s approval by the Board.
(b) Disburse funds as required that are supported by receipts. All expenditures of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars or more must have the approval and signature of the President.
(c) Maintain records of all disbursements and receipts.
(d) Submit such reports to all Local, State, and Federal Agencies as may be required by law, and/or as directed by the Board of Directors.
(e) Submit monthly and annual reports to the Board of Directors, and other such reports as may be required.
(f) Submit Annual Report to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
(g) Keep or cause to be kept all membership records for preceding three years.
ARTICLE IX Amendments
By-Laws may be amended only by two-thirds (2/3) approval of members present and voting at a Special Meeting called by the Board of Directors. All amendments to be voted upon must be submitted in writing and posted at least thirty (30) days prior to the Special Meeting.
ARTICLE X Meetings
Section 1. The President shall fix the date and time of the Boards regular meetings, concurrent with a majority of the Board members in agreement. The President shall communicate advance notice of meeting agendas to Board members.
Section 2. The annual meeting of this association shall be held in the month of November each year for the purpose of honoring winners of selected events, submission of the MGA financial report to attending members, announcement of election results, and any other business that is necessary. The specific location, date and time shall be posted at all Pro Shops at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or in his absence, by the Vice-President, upon twelve (12) hours notice.
Section 4. Special Meeting of the Board of Directors may also be called upon the written request of ten (10%) percent of the members. The purpose of such meetings shall be stated in the call and at least five (5) days notice must be given.
Section 5. Special Meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors with a posted written notice thirty (30) days in advance of the Special Meeting.
ARTICLE XI Committees
Section 1. Specific duties, assignments and responsibilities of all committees and their chairman will be defined and established by the MGA Board. All committee chairmen will be appointed by the President at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting or as timely as necessary to accomplish an MGA goal or meet requirements of these By-Laws.
Section 2. MGA Committees may include but are not limited to:
(a)MGA Competition Committee will propose rules by which regular league play and MGA sponsored tournaments are conducted. Schedules, participation, entry fees and required assistance are determined by this committee.
(b)Tournament Committee(s) coordinate with pro shop staff and others to manage all MGA sponsored tournaments. This would include but not be limited to providing schedules, making food/beverage arrangements, publicity and general assistance.
(c) Annual Meeting Committee is responsible for scheduling, organizing & conducting the annual meeting.
(d)Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending and securing candidates to stand for election to the MGA Board.
(e)Audit Committee is responsible for yearly audits of all MGA Association records. It will also support any ad hoc audits as deemed appropriate by the MGA Board. This committee shall have at least one non-Board member preferably with a background in accounting. Results of this audit shall be presented to the MGA members when completed.
(f) By-Laws Committee shall periodically review the By-Laws and recommend amendments as may be necessary. See Article IX, Amendments for approval process.
ARTICLE XII Election of Board of Directors
Section 1. Election of members in good standing to the Board of Directors shall be held prior to the Annual Meeting of the MGA. See Article XI, Section 2(d).
Section 2. A Nominating Committee, chaired by a member of the Board, and consisting of three other members in good standing not on the Board, shall be appointed by the President and chairman. The appointments must be made not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting. The slate of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors, must consist of at least one more candidate than the open number of vacancies to be filled. The candidates’ names must be posted no less than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Additional candidates’ names for the Board may be placed in nomination by written request to the Secretary of the Board, signed by at least twenty five (25) members in good standing, and submitted within ten (10) days prior to the posting of the selected slate of candidates.
Section 4. The Secretary shall post a final slate of candidates thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. He shall at the same time, provide a lockable ballot box and ballots for voting. Ten (10) Days prior to the Annual Meeting, ballots will be collected and counted by the Nominating Committee.
ARTICLE XIII Parliamentary Authority
The meetings of the Board of Directors will be governed by the most current Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XIV Tournament Prizes
Prizes awarded by the Association shall be in the form of credit at the Pro Shops unless otherwise noted in the Event Instructions to Competitors.
(9th Revision 6/23/2011)
The name of the Association shall be "The Tellico Village Men's Golf Association". It is a non-profit organization, incorporated in the State of Tennessee.
The object of the Association is to encourage the men of Tellico Village to play golf. Tournaments and regular play will be conducted under USGA rules.
ARTICLE III Membership
Section 1. The membership of this association shall be limited to:
(a) Tellico Village Property Owners registered in the Handicap Rating System.
(b) The PGA Professional Staff and the Course Superintendent shall each be honorary non- dues paying members.
Section 2. To be in good standing, all regular members shall be assessed annual dues as determined by the Board of Directors. Only members in good standing may participate in MGA events.
Section 3. In order to be eligible to play in the "major" MGA tournaments, members are required to have at least five (5) "current" scores recorded in the Tellico Village GHIN / handicap computer. "Major" tournaments are those listed on the MGA website. "Current" scores are for rounds played within the last six (6) months of the active period.
ARTICLE IV Management
The management of this association shall be vested in a Board of Directors consisting of seven (7) members in good standing. Four (4) members of the Board shall constitute a quorum for transaction of association business.
ARTICLE V Directors Term of Office
Section 1. The term of office for Directors shall be three (3) years, commencing at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting. In order to maintain continuity of Director experience, these terms shall be staggered so that no more than three (3) of the seven (7) members would be replaced in any one year. Members of the Board of Directors may be re-elected.
Section 2. If for any reason a vacancy occurs, the remaining Directors shall elect an MGA member in good standing, to fill such vacancy for the unexpired portion of the term. The member shall be recommended by the Nominating Committee.
ARTICLE VI Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the Directors to attend all regular and special meetings of the Board. Failure to attend three (3) consecutive meetings, unless failure is the results of illness or other valid or reasonable cause, shall create a vacancy on the Board. The said vacancy to be filled per terms of Article V, Section 2.
Section 2. The Board of Directors shall conduct, manage and control the affairs and business of the association. The Board will institute such rules and regulations, consistent with these By-Laws, it deems necessary and proper.
Section 3. The Board of Directors shall record minutes of its meetings, keep complete records and financial statements, and prepare and present a formal Annual Report to the members at the Annual Meeting.
The officers, who shall be elected from members of the Board, shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The President, Vice-President and Secretary shall be elected for a term of one (1) year. The Treasurer shall be elected for a term of two (2) years. The office of President shall be restricted to two (2) consecutive terms. All newly elected officers shall begin their terms of office at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting.
ARTICLE VIII Duties of Officers
Section 1. The President shall:
(a) Preside at all meetings of the members and Directors. He shall have the deciding vote when necessary.
(b) Call a meeting of the Directors whenever he deems it necessary.
(c) Subject to the advice of the Directors, direct the affairs of the association.
(d) Appoint Chairman for all committees and assign committee responsibility.
(e) Promote harmony within the membership of the association and other groups and organizations.
Section 2. The Vice-President shall:
(a) Act in place of the President when the President is unable to perform the duties of the office or is absent.
(b) In the event the Vice-President is unable to act, the Board shall appoint another member of the Board in who shall be vested, for the time necessary, all the duties and functions of the President.
Section 3. The Secretary shall:
(a) Keep a record of all meetings of the Board.
(b) Keep a record of all Annual and Special Meetings of the members.
(c) Serve all notices required by the BY-Laws.
(d) Assist Nominating Committee in the election of members to the Board, See Article XII, Section 4.
Section 4. The Treasurer shall:
(a) Receive and deposit association funds in depository’s approval by the Board.
(b) Disburse funds as required that are supported by receipts. All expenditures of one thousand ($1,000.00) dollars or more must have the approval and signature of the President.
(c) Maintain records of all disbursements and receipts.
(d) Submit such reports to all Local, State, and Federal Agencies as may be required by law, and/or as directed by the Board of Directors.
(e) Submit monthly and annual reports to the Board of Directors, and other such reports as may be required.
(f) Submit Annual Report to the membership at the Annual Meeting.
(g) Keep or cause to be kept all membership records for preceding three years.
ARTICLE IX Amendments
By-Laws may be amended only by two-thirds (2/3) approval of members present and voting at a Special Meeting called by the Board of Directors. All amendments to be voted upon must be submitted in writing and posted at least thirty (30) days prior to the Special Meeting.
ARTICLE X Meetings
Section 1. The President shall fix the date and time of the Boards regular meetings, concurrent with a majority of the Board members in agreement. The President shall communicate advance notice of meeting agendas to Board members.
Section 2. The annual meeting of this association shall be held in the month of November each year for the purpose of honoring winners of selected events, submission of the MGA financial report to attending members, announcement of election results, and any other business that is necessary. The specific location, date and time shall be posted at all Pro Shops at least 30 days in advance of the meeting.
Section 3. Special Meetings of the Board may be called by the President, or in his absence, by the Vice-President, upon twelve (12) hours notice.
Section 4. Special Meeting of the Board of Directors may also be called upon the written request of ten (10%) percent of the members. The purpose of such meetings shall be stated in the call and at least five (5) days notice must be given.
Section 5. Special Meetings of the membership may be called by the Board of Directors with a posted written notice thirty (30) days in advance of the Special Meeting.
ARTICLE XI Committees
Section 1. Specific duties, assignments and responsibilities of all committees and their chairman will be defined and established by the MGA Board. All committee chairmen will be appointed by the President at the first Board Meeting following the Annual Meeting or as timely as necessary to accomplish an MGA goal or meet requirements of these By-Laws.
Section 2. MGA Committees may include but are not limited to:
(a)MGA Competition Committee will propose rules by which regular league play and MGA sponsored tournaments are conducted. Schedules, participation, entry fees and required assistance are determined by this committee.
(b)Tournament Committee(s) coordinate with pro shop staff and others to manage all MGA sponsored tournaments. This would include but not be limited to providing schedules, making food/beverage arrangements, publicity and general assistance.
(c) Annual Meeting Committee is responsible for scheduling, organizing & conducting the annual meeting.
(d)Nominating Committee is responsible for recommending and securing candidates to stand for election to the MGA Board.
(e)Audit Committee is responsible for yearly audits of all MGA Association records. It will also support any ad hoc audits as deemed appropriate by the MGA Board. This committee shall have at least one non-Board member preferably with a background in accounting. Results of this audit shall be presented to the MGA members when completed.
(f) By-Laws Committee shall periodically review the By-Laws and recommend amendments as may be necessary. See Article IX, Amendments for approval process.
ARTICLE XII Election of Board of Directors
Section 1. Election of members in good standing to the Board of Directors shall be held prior to the Annual Meeting of the MGA. See Article XI, Section 2(d).
Section 2. A Nominating Committee, chaired by a member of the Board, and consisting of three other members in good standing not on the Board, shall be appointed by the President and chairman. The appointments must be made not less than ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting. The slate of candidates selected by the Nominating Committee, and approved by the Board of Directors, must consist of at least one more candidate than the open number of vacancies to be filled. The candidates’ names must be posted no less than sixty (60) days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Section 3. Additional candidates’ names for the Board may be placed in nomination by written request to the Secretary of the Board, signed by at least twenty five (25) members in good standing, and submitted within ten (10) days prior to the posting of the selected slate of candidates.
Section 4. The Secretary shall post a final slate of candidates thirty (30) days prior to the Annual Meeting. He shall at the same time, provide a lockable ballot box and ballots for voting. Ten (10) Days prior to the Annual Meeting, ballots will be collected and counted by the Nominating Committee.
ARTICLE XIII Parliamentary Authority
The meetings of the Board of Directors will be governed by the most current Roberts Rules of Order.
ARTICLE XIV Tournament Prizes
Prizes awarded by the Association shall be in the form of credit at the Pro Shops unless otherwise noted in the Event Instructions to Competitors.
(9th Revision 6/23/2011)